Abraham Lincoln
1809-1865 |
Sixteenth President, Kentucky native, guided the Union during the Civil War. He thought secession illegal, and was willing to use force to defend Federal law. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation that declared forever free those slaves within the Confederacy. |
Mary Todd Lincoln
1818-1882 |
Kentucky born, she married Abraham Lincoln in Springfield, IL. While First Lady she was scorned by Southerners as a traitor to her birth, and Northerners suspected her of treason. |
Ulysses S. Grant
1822-1885 |
Eighteenth President, Commander in Chief of the Union Forces during the Civil War. |
William Tecumseh Sherman
1820-1891 |
Union General in the Civil War, successful at the battle of Atlanta. |
Elizabeth Lanier |
Wife of J.F.D. Lanier |
J.F.D. Lanier
Indiana business man. He financed Indiana's troops in
the Civil War.
Andrew Jackson Smith
1843-1932 |
Union soldier, a member of the 55th Massachusetts Voluntary Infantry, distinguished himself November 30, 1864 by saving his regimental colors. The Medal of Honor was posthumously presented to him in January, 2001. |
Julia Dumont
1794-1857 |
Indiana writer and teacher, mother of Gen. Ebenezer Dumont. Her work was published in many magazines. She wrote one book, Life Sketches from Common Paths. |
Frederick Douglass
1818-1895 |
Born a slave in Maryland, he became one of the most influential abolitionists in America. |
Joshua Chamberlain
1828-1914 |
Union officer who fought at Antietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. He later became the Gov. of Maine. |
Robert E. Lee
1807-1870 |
Commander in Chief of the Confederate forces during the Civil War. |
Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson
1824 - 1863) |
Confederate general during the American Civil War. His military career includes the Valley Campaign of 1862 and his service as a corps commander in the Army of Northern Virginia. |
John Hunt Morgan
1825-1864 |
Confederate officer who conducted lighting fast raids into Union territory. |
P.G.T. Beaureguard
1818-1893 |
Confederate officer in charge of the S. Carolina troops in Charleston Harbor that won victory at Fort Sumter. |
Nathan Bedford Forrest
1821-1877 |
Confederate cavalry officer, he led successful raids in Tennessee and Mississippi. His military theory was "Get there first with the most men." |
John B. Hood
1831-1879 |
Confederate officer who distinguished himself at Antietam, was promoted to major general and fought at Fredericksburg. |
Joseph E. Johnston
1829- |
Military officer, joined the Confederacy, commanded at Bull Run and the Atlanta Campaign. |